Monday, August 13, 2012

Baby Fever!

This post doesn't really have anything to do with my move, but today is my sister-in-law's birthday, so this is a shout out to her! 

It seems everywhere I look and all over my Facebook, all I see is pregnancy! In my family alone, Katie is pregnant, my cousin is pregnant, and one of my second cousins is pregnant!

Tim and Katie's baby is due mid-September. It just so happened that she was ready for maternity photos right before I left. Now, I love photography. I love looking at pictures, being in pictures, and taking pictures. I bought myself an SLR camera with my tax refund 2 years ago and am still trying to figure out how to use it. Thankfully, Tim and Katie have successfully followed the "American Dream Timeline" and I've been able to use them as my subjects for "engagement" pictures (2 years after they were married), "buying a new house" pictures, "first Christmas together" pictures, "baby announcement" pictures, and other random shoots. They're by far my favorite (possibly only?) clients and I'm always VERY happy when the pictures turn out the way they're supposed to and Tim and Katie both approve! :) Here are some of my favorites from July 28th.

**Note, I know less about editing pictures than I do about taking them, so don't judge me if my "S-Curve" isn't just right or what not!!**
Dear Baby Benjamin, You have a lot of choices ahead of you in this life, so your daddy already went ahead and picked your favorite football team for you. You're welcome. Love, Auntie Steph

Classic. You'd be surprised how much work it was to actually get it to look like a heart!
She has the cutest belly ever!!

Reason # 24,567 that they're my favorite clients: They're so good-looking and photogenic!
Reason #25,212 that they're my favorite clients: They do goofy poses all the time and we have a jolly ole time!
Tim was actually the brains behind this shot! My skills are rubbing off on him!
$10 says Mom cries when she sees this picture.
Best Parents Ever! (Minus mine, of course!)
Coincidence that we were dressed the same? I think not!

Amazing what you can do with a brick wall.
Can't wait to meet the munchkin who fills those teeny shoes!
Big Sister getting ready for Little Brother! It took a few tries to get her to not eat the shoes!
Anyone else want to join my clientele?

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